You reached 109 points, so you achieved position 496983 of 822344 on the ranking list You type 142 characters per minute You have 26 correct

You reached 109 points, so you achieved position 496983 of 822344 on the ranking list You type 142 characters per minute You have 26 correct words and you have 0 wrong words LOL I may be a slow 1 handed typer but I am pretty good speller
“Typing Speed Test – how fast can you type?”

About Avon CT Style

"MaMa Te" the Fun Loving Lady here to help make your life more Beautiful with helpful & handy tips to make the most of your dollars The Wise Woman of Wonder has Advice from Experience as a Wife, Mother & Grandma - I'm "Old Enough to Know Better but Young Enough Not To Care"
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6 Responses to You reached 109 points, so you achieved position 496983 of 822344 on the ranking list You type 142 characters per minute You have 26 correct

  1. From googleplus@Kimberly Castleberry: You reached 323 points, so you achieved position 33939 of 822464 on the ranking list

    You type 412 characters per minute

    You have 72 correct words and

    you have 1 wrong words

    Yup, i failed in the typo category LOL! That’s an odd site to use characters per minute instead of words per minute. If we took an average of 6 character words, that would come out to about 68 for me which is about what I usually type but I’m not sure that 6 is the right number to divide by.


  2. From googleplus@Nathaniel Fries: You reached 227 points, so you achieved position 126781 of 823436 on the ranking list

    You type 330 characters per minute

    You have 59 correct words and

    you have 3 wrong words

    …when it changed, it screwed me up.

    Second attempt:

    You reached 313 points, so you achieved position 39537 of 823557 on the ranking list

    You type 410 characters per minute

    You have 74 correct words and

    you have 1 wrong words

    that’s better.

    + Kimberly Castleberry , you typed 72 words per minute. The test lasts for 60 seconds, or 1 minute. =P


  3. From googleplus@Don N.: Not even going to play this game, my typing sucks and my spelling is worse. lol


  4. From googleplus@Lori Anne Brown: You type 369 characters per minute

    You have 67 correct words and

    you have 0 wrong words

    Four years of typing in high school didn’t fail me 🙂


  5. From googleplus@Te TTillett: lol high school… they had 30 year reunion for mine just the other weekend… where did the time fly to so fast?…. but I didn’t take typing in high school, self taught hunt & picker so I have to look up at the screen then down at the keyboard


  6. From googleplus@Lori Anne Brown: Yup, my 30th is this year too, though I’m not going.

    When you had no clue what you wanted to do for a living, girls were pushed towards secretarial courses so I had 4 years typing, 3 years stenography, business communications and all that fun sort of stuff. Actually comes in pretty handy (though I rarely use shorthand anymore) though I only worked as a true secretary for a year – senior year in high school 🙂


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